Saturday 28 January 2012

Liebster Award

It's Me Monty.
I was given my very first award by my blog friends Cinnamon & Mint

The award is called Liebster Award ('Liebster' is a German word which means 'dearest' in English, according to Google Translate) and has some rules.
(1) Thank the blogger that gave you the award and then add a link to their blog.
(2) Reveal your top five picks (with less than 200 readers) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
(3) Copy and Paste the Award to Your Blog.
(4) Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers, and keep it going!
Shall we take on the task to pick our top blogs? But, hmmmm, it's so hard...because we love all of our friends' blogs. But, we need to pick right? Ok, these are the  blogs I have picked:

Cinnamon & Mint - My first Blog friends in the real world.

Team Beagle brats - beagle trouble


Meeting new friends

Catch me catch me if you can.
Little green froggie

Me and Cindi Pike hanging in the sun.

Rain Rain Go AWAY

The river is getting high.

This is where the dog park is it's under water. Still flooded a week later.

Entrance to the lake. Another walkies spot underwater.

Where did the road go? Everything is underwater.

More roads closed

Rain rain go away.

Monday 9 January 2012

The Big Flying Machine

At the end of last year we moved to another big Island across the ditch. I had to say goodbye to all my friends and go with my pussycat sisters in a big loud flying machine. We have finally started to settle into our new home in sunny Queensland. Below are some photos of my new land.

The view from the flying machine.

It's so sunny here I need some doggy sunglasses!

Going for a ride in the car.


Sleeping with my girls

Our new car.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Monday 24 October 2011

Sunshine Fun

I have been having so much fun outside in the sun. Roll on Summa!

Yum. Din Dins.


Is this ALL for ME??

Sunday 9 October 2011

See you later Winter!

The weather is much better now. Today we packed away our winter clothes.
I had to say goodbye to my stinky hat!


I stole this hat!

Who turned the lights out?

Some days I stayed in bed with my jacket on.

Monday 1 August 2011


I was playing around in the garden following my nose and I got stung by bumble bee. It was inside my right ear. The meanie bumble bee put his stinger inside my ear and stung me. My poor ear. I had to visit the vet cause my poor ear was swollen and I wouldn't let the humans touch it. The vet doctor pulled it out and it felt much better after that.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Doggy Skool

Every Monday night I go to doggy skool. I am the only one in da class that has done it before!
Haylee our trainer asked my dad to run to the other side of the car park I had to sit and wait until my dad called my name, then I ran and ran as fast I could. I think my big ears slowed me down.
My dad was so proud of me!!! I didn't stop to sniff at all I just ran.